Shade Mod cards

Animate DeadBasicSkill1Summon 1 (2) shade:Zombie(s) and 2 shade:Skeletons.
Careful CutBasicAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Draw 1 card. Exhaust a card.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Ancient SpearCommonAttack2Deal 21 (29) damage. Exhaust.
Bone ShardsCommonAttack1Sacrifice up to 2 (3) shade:Skeletons to deal 11 (14) damage each.
BonestormCommonAttack1Deal 7 damage to all enemies. Summon 1 (2) shade:Skeleton(s).
BrainsCommonSkill1Summon a (two) shade:Zombie(s). Draw 2 cards.
Claw BackCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Return a random shade:Buried card to your draw pile.
Coffin DanceCommonAttack1Deal 8 (11) damage. If your number of undead is even, summon a shade:Skeleton, if odd, summon a shade:Zombie.
Command SoldierCommonSkill1Summon a shade:Skeleton and trigger up to 3 (8) shade:Skeleton attacks.
Extra LimbsCommonAttack1Deal 6 (8) damage 2 times. When Exhausted, increase the number of strikes by 1 this combat. Exhaust.
Feral StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage to all enemies. Add a Wound to your hand. Exhaust.
Finger of DeathCommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage. If it kills the target, summon 2 shade:Zombies.
Flesh To FleshCommonSkill1Summon 3 (4) shade:Zombies. Add a Wound to your draw pile.
FrenzyCommonSkill0Gain 2 (3) Strength and Dexterity until next turn. Exhaust.
Fresh BonesCommonSkill1Summon a shade:Skeleton. Your shade:Skeletons deal 3 more damage for 1 (2) turn(s).
Funerary ArmorCommonSkill1Gain 10 (13) Block. Exhaust.
Grave StillnessCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. Your shade:Skeletons don't decay this turn.
Grey BargainCommonSkill0Return a shade:Buried card to your draw pile by exhausting a card in your hand.(Draw a card.)
PremonitionCommonSkill0Gain 5 (8) Block. Whenever you summon a shade:Wraith, move this to your hand from wherever it is.
Skeleton HugCommonAttack2Summon a shade:Skeleton. Deal 8 (11) damage. Apply 2 (3) Weak.
TrampleCommonAttack1Deal 4 damage plus 3 (4) for each of your shade:Zombies.
Wall of FleshCommonSkill2Summon 2 shade:Zombies and gain 8 (12) Block.
Ablative ArmorUncommonSkill1Sacrifice a shade:Zombie to apply 1 (2) Weak to all enemies and gain 1 Dexterity.
AsphyxiateUncommonAttack2Apply 7 (9) Poison. Deal damage equal to the enemy's Poison. Exhaust.
Aura of UnlifeUncommonPower1 (0)Increase the decay constant by 2, slowing the decay of your shade:Zombies and shade:Skeletons.
AwakenUncommonSkill1 (0)Before your next turn, choose a shade:Buried card and return it to your hand. Exhaust.
BiteUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. Heal 2 (3) HP.
Call WraithUncommonSkill2 (1)Lose 5 HP. Summon a shade:Wraith. Exhaust
Call of the GraveUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, play a random shade:Buried skill and shade:Purge it.
CarnophageUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you draw a Status or Curse card, summon a shade:Zombie.
Cloud of ShrapnelUncommonAttack1Sacrifice a shade:Skeleton to deal 8 (12) damage to all enemies and gain 1 Dexterity. Exhaust.
Dangerous RitualUncommonAttack4Deal 20 (26) damage to all enemies. Costs 1 less per 2 cards Exhausted this combat.
DoomsayUncommonAttack1Deal 4 (5) damage twice. Scry 4 (6).
ExciseUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. Exhaust a card. If it's a Status or Curse, gain [E] and draw a card.
Flesh Like OakUncommonSkill2Gain 12 (16) Block. Gain 1 Strength. Exhaust.
Flesh OfferingUncommonSkill3Summon a shade:Wraith. Gain 13 (18) Block. Add 4 Wounds to your discard pile.
Funerary JewelsUncommonSkill0Gain 3 (5) Block. Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
Go DiggingUncommonSkill0Sacrifice up to 3 (6) shade:Skeletons. Now and at the start of next turn, summon a shade:Zombie for each one sacrificed.
HaruspicyUncommonSkill1Scry 5 (6) and draw 2 (3) cards. Sacrifice a shade:Zombie or lose 4 HP.
Lye BathUncommonSkill0Convert all your shade:Zombies into shade:Skeletons (and draw a card). Gain 1 Strength for every 3 shade:Zombies.
Open GravesUncommonPower1Summon (a shade:Skeleton. Summon) either a shade:Zombie or a shade:Skeleton at the beginning of your turn, alternating.
PatienceUncommonSkill0Retain (. Retain) your hand and your unspent energy this turn.
Potion of MadnessUncommonPower1Gain 3 (4) Strength. Decrease the decay constant by 1, speeding up the decay of your shade:Zombies and shade:Skeletons.
Pound of FleshUncommonAttack2Deal 12 (15) damage. Next turn, summon 2 (3) shade:Zombies.
Press the AttackUncommonAttack2Deal 3 (6) damage. Summon 2 shade:Skeletons. Your shade:Skeletons deal 3 more damage for 2 (3) turns.
Ravenous HordeUncommonSkillXLose 2 HP. Summon 2 X (+ 1) shade:Zombies.
Ritual OfferingUncommonSkill0Exhaust up to 2 cards from your draw pile. (Draw a card.)Exhaust.
Sanguine RitualUncommonSkill0Lose 2 HP. Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Exhaust.
Scuttling HandUncommonAttack0Deal 4 (6) damage. When you play a card with Exhaust, return this from the discard pile to your hand.
Sense PreyUncommonSkill0(Innate.)Summon a shade:Zombie and a shade:Skeleton for each enemy in combat. Exhaust. (not.)
Skeleton ArmyUncommonSkill3Summon 5 (7) shade:Skeletons.
Soul ToxinUncommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) Weak. Target loses 3 (5) HP. If you have a shade:Wraith, apply 15 (25) Poison.
Spectral StrikesUncommonPower1(Innate.)When you play an attack containing "Strike," shade:Purge it, draw a card, and gain 1 Strength.
Spontaneous RitualUncommonAttack1(Add 3 Dazed to your hand.)Exhaust your hand. Deal damage equal to the number of cards Exhausted this combat.
Stitch TogetherUncommonPower1The next time you draw a Status or Curse card, Exhaust it, draw a card, and heal 7 (10) HP.
Vengeful DeadUncommonPower1At the start of your turn, play a random shade:Buried attack and shade:Purge (return) it (to your discard pile).
ConsumeRareAttack2Exhaust the top 3 (4) cards of your deck. Add 3 (4) Wounds to your discard pile. Deal 21 (28) damage to all enemies.
CoordinationRarePower1Your shade:Skeletons' attacks hit (not hit)all enemies.(Trigger up to 2 shade:Skeleton attacks.)
Dark of NightRareSkill0Your next (two) card(s) that Exhausts (Exhaust) this turn is (are) played twice.
Ethereal OfferingRarePower1 (0)The next time you Exhaust 3 (2) cards in one turn, summon a shade:Wraith.
Greater AnimationRareSkill2Summon 1 shade:Zombie, 2 shade:Skeletons, and 1 shade:Wraith, but lose 1 Strength and 1 Dexterity (not, but lose 1 Strength and 1 Dexterity). shade:Purge.
Last GaspRareSkill1Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Choose a shade:Buried card, play it, and shade:Purge it.
Lich FormRarePower3At the start of your turn, summon 3 (4) shade:Skeletons.
Lose ControlRareSkill0Add 2 Wounds to your discard pile. Draw 3 (4) cards.
Lunar MadnessRareSkill1(Retain.)Summon 8 shade:Skeletons. After your shade:Skeletons attack this turn, they attack you.
Ominous RitualRareAttack2(Add 3 Dazed to your hand.)Gain Block and deal damage to all enemies equal to the number of cards Exhausted this combat.
One Is EnoughRareAttackXSacrifice all your undead for 5 (6) Block each. Deal 10 (13) damage X times.
PutrefactionRarePower2 (1)Whenever a shade:Zombie dies, apply 2 Poison to all enemies.
Self-burialRareSkill1Return all shade:Buried cards to your deck by exhausting your hand and next 15 cards. Draw 3 (5) cards. Exhaust.
Soul PierceRarePower1Your shade:Wraiths deal 40 (60) more damage.
TombstoneRareAttack3Deal 36 (48) damage. Exhaust.
Unbar the GraveRareSkill2Summon 2 (3) shade:Zombies and 2 (3) shade:Skeletons. Return 2 (3) random shade:Buried cards to your draw pile. Exhaust.

Shade Mod relics

Yorick's SkullStarterShade_colorStart each combat with a shade:Zombie. Whenever you play 10 cards, summon a shade:Zombie.I knew him, alas.
ThingRareShade_colorWhen you return a shade:Buried card to your hand or deck, gain 3Block.Its creepy.
Yorick's Polished SkullBossShade_colorStart each combat with a shade:Zombie and 2 shade:Skeletons. Whenever you play 10 cards, summon a shade:Zombie and a shade:Skeleton.I knew him, alas.

Shade Mod keywords

BuriedA class card (not Colorless, Status, or Curse) from your exhaust pile.
PurgeRemoved from play until the end of combat.
SkeletonUndead that deal damage at the end of your turn.
UnearthMove a card from your exhaust pile.
WraithUndead that render you intangible if attacked, and deal damage if not.
ZombieUndead that sacrifice themselves to block for you.

Shade Mod creatures

The ShadePlayer56-62